Since its foundation in 1931 the Reading and District Welsh Society has provided a focus for those who live in the area who have a love of Wales and Welsh things. The Society provides a focus for its members to discuss Welsh culture and the latest news from home.
Our meetings are held once a month with the exception of January, February and the summer months - July and August. The AGM is held in September to select new Society officers. The programme is varied and different every year, as per the decisions of the committee members, who organise the meetings, but based on the wishes of members. The highlight of the year is the St David's Day dinner held as near to the 1st of March as possible. With the development of online meeting places the Society has decided to continue to meet via Zoom. You are most welcome to join us. We continue to have the Church Hall available to us and we will use it as and when.
All meetings are held in English, but there are sufficient Welsh speaking members for discussion over a cup of tea to revert to the mother tongue. So, membership is extended to all, regardless of where their roots lie. Please come and join.
Interested? Then email us via the "Contact Us" page.
You don't have to decide right now whether you want to join or not, just come along to one of our meetings. You may come along as a guest free of charge for a few times and then make your mind up. However, please make contact first with one of the Society officers before you come along - see details on the "Contact Us" page.
Membership costs £15 per person per annum, £6 per person if you live more than 50 miles from Reading. Tea or coffee with biscuits at meetings is charged at a nominal charge when we meet in the hall.
So you see, we are not expensive!
Our membership profile includes members from the length and breadth of Wales and beyond, and all ages are welcome. The majority are Welsh or have Welsh connections, and many are Welsh speakers, but as English is our common language, we use English for our meetings, events and for general communication.
We are proud to be a thriving Welsh Society and we hope to welcome you to one of our meetings soon.
New applicants for membership should complete an application form, that can be obtained from the Treasurer, and return it with the appropriate membership fee to the Treasurer. Cheques should be made payable to the Reading and District Welsh Society and bank details for bacs transfer can be made available on request.
Richard Eley
Hedley Thomas